Elmsbury Chicken and Vegetable Pie

Here I am, reviewing another pie. This time, it is Emsbury’s Chicken and Vegetable Pie. piesaregoodforyou tries out a friend of the beef variety.  Cost: budget pies at $4 per 4-pack. Pastry: tasty puff pastry lid (it is worth mentioning that this is proper puff pastry and not the usual ironed-on faux-puff pastry we find on other budget … Continue reading

Aldi | Elmsbury Meat Pie | A Review

According to the internet, Aldi supermarket has received some pretty high praise lately for their Elmsbury meat pies. They fared better than other supermarket pies (i.e., Coles Smart Buy pies & Woolworth‘s brand pies) in a relatively limited survey conducted by the Federal Government’s National Measurement Institute, commissioned by the less-than-reliable Today Tonight show. It made perfect … Continue reading